Book an Appointment at HIM on Commercial Drive - Commercial Drive and Napier Street (Commercial Drive)
Sexual Health Services for GBQ Men and Gender Diverse People
STI and HIV testing is free. You do not need MSP or medical insurance.
TYPES OF APPOINTMENTS (please read closely)
15-minute appointments available at Davie St. Bookings open 5 days in advance.
**Routine STI screening that includes HIV, Syphilis, Hepatitis C, Gonorrhea and Chlamydia. If you DO NOT have questions or need an assessment with a nurse. We cannot do PrEP labs with “Just Testing” screening. Please complete PrEP labs by visiting LifeLabs or
**30-minute appointments with a Registered Nurse available at Davie St. and Commercial Dr. We ensure slots are kept for walk-in each day. Online booking opens 3 days in advance.
This option is right for you if you:
Have symptoms that may be a STI
Have been told you are a contact to a STI
Are interested in PrEP or Doxy PEP
Want to talk to a nurse about sexual health or vaccines
Appointments are added daily Mon-Fri between 9:30am and 10:30am, if none or available please attend as a walk-in or check another day. Please arrive 5-10 minutes prior to appointment time, arriving late means you may not be seen that day and will need to rebook.
Book an appointment below
Sexual health services for GBQ men and gender diverse people
STI and HIV testing is free. You do not need MSP or medical insurance.
Select a appointment
from the list on the left
to view available appointment times

Located at: 1145 Commercial Dr, Basement, Vancouver
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